Blogging is one of the legitimate methods of earning online in Nigeria, so most people are looking to start blogging in Nigeria. With more than 84 million internet users in Nigeria, there is a wide market to earn money as a blogger.
However, you may have heard of blogging before but don’t know how to start.
You may have even read some pretty long and intense articles about blogging in Nigeria or have tried it, but it just didn’t work out.
You may have asked questions like:
- How do I become a professional blogger in Nigeria?
- How do bloggers get paid in Nigeria?
- How much does it cost to create a blog in Nigeria?
- How do I start a blog that pays me?
Well, this is where we come in, as we’ll be answering all these questions and showing you how to start blogging in Nigeria and how to succeed at it.
Here’s exactly what we’ll cover in this guide to blogging in Nigeria:
How to Start Blogging in Nigeria in 7 Steps
In this section, we’ll walk you through a simple guide on how to start blogging in Nigeria.
1. Identifying Your Niche

The first step to becoming a blogger in Nigeria is to choose a blog niche where you want to focus your efforts. When you want to choose a niche, choose one that you’re familiar with so you can have more to offer. You can also consider a niche that isn’t oversaturated, which is any niche that isn’t popular.
Although most people blog to make money online, you won’t go far in this craft if you don’t like your niche. It’s not good to follow the trending niches like others do if you’re not familiar with them. This will just make you a mediocre blogger, and you won’t stand out.
2. Choosing a Blogging Platform

Your blog resides on the internet, so you’ll need to get a Content Management System (CMS) or blogging platform first. In this case, you have two main choices:
- Self-hosted WordPress platform (or others like Weebly, Wix, or Squarespace)
- Free blog platform (like, BlogSpot, or a free WordPress blog)
The free blog option allows you to upload your blog online without paying a dime. A self-hosted WordPress blog is one where you pay for the service of hosting your blog on the internet.
At this point, most people will already be considering the free blog option, but I’ll advise you to stay away from it. The free blogs come with long URLs, which are ugly to look at. They also limit your money-making opportunities, as most affiliate marketing opportunities do not consider free blog users.
Since your service plan is free, the blogging platform doesn’t respect you much. This means they can take down your blog any day for no reason. Due to the poor security on the free site, any hacker could easily steal your information.
Free blogs are also ugly, as you don’t have many customization options to use to make your blog beautiful. You won’t be able to customise your emails either, as you’ll be stuck with generic Yahoo or Gmail email names.
So, instead of facing all these difficulties, install WordPress or any other paid option, pay for it, and start on a real blogging journey. However, we’ll recommend WordPress, as it’s the easiest platform that you can use with numerous customization options that work well for any niche.
3. Selecting a Domain Name

The next thing to consider when you want to start blogging in Nigeria is to pick a domain name. This is very important, as the domain name is your identity on the web, and you’ll want to pick something catchy. That way, people can remember your blog more easily.
You’ll also want to make it short and include keywords related to your blog niche. The keywords optimise your blog more for search engines and can help you rank higher on Google. Lastly, do your research so you don’t choose a domain name that’s already taken and incur legal trouble for copyright infringement.
An example of a good domain name is The domain name is short, easy to remember, and contains keywords (eat right). The “.com” in this case is a domain extension, and you can go with “.com” since it works for any niche.
4. Getting a Hosting Plan

After getting a blogging platform, the next step to keeping your blog on the internet is to find a web host. Hosting companies are organisations that volunteer to store your blog on their servers so people can access it online.
As a blogger in Nigeria, there are a few hosts that you can choose from to keep your blog online. This includes
- Hostgator
- Bluehost
- Namecheap
- HostPapa
- Web4Africa
These web hosting companies require you to subscribe to a hosting plan that dictates the type of services you’ll enjoy. This includes the amount of storage you’ll have for your blog, the uptime (at least 99.5%), the bandwidth for the blog, etc. Some web hosts also create bundle plans where domain names, business emails, and many other features come for free.
There’s no hard-and-fast rule for choosing a hosting plan here. However, you’ll need to consider the cost and ensure that the hosting plan offers all the services you’ll need.
5. Setting up Your Blog

The next step in learning how to start blogging in Nigeria is to set up your blog. If you’re not tech-savvy, you won’t find this process easy. Lucky for you, many blogging platforms provide a blog theme that you can use to get started.
This will provide the bare basics of what a blog should look like, and you can customise it to fit your needs. You can change the colour theme to fit the feelings you’d like to evoke for your blog. Let’s say you’re writing a music blog; you’ll want to choose something other than white so it gets your readers in the mood.
You’ll also need to set up the pages for your blog. There’s no hard and fast rule here, but all blogs should have a home page, an about page, and a contacts page. You can also include a “Shop” if you want to sell products via affiliate marketing.
6. Designing Your Blog

Now that your blog has been set up, the next step is to design it. If you don’t want your blog to bore your readers from the get-go, then you’ll have to do something good here.
You can’t go wrong with some slide shows that display some of the highlights of your blog on the homepage. You can also design a logo for your blog to make it unique. There’s also the option of having videos play on your blog.
The only limit is your imagination when it comes to designing your blog, so go wild!
7. Writing and Publishing Your First Post

With your blog all set up, you can start creating content for it. One of the things that blogging in Nigeria needs to succeed is high-quality content that is tailored to your target audience. There’s a lot that you’ll also need to know about creating high-quality content, and we’ll be covering that below.
How Much Does It Cost to Start Blogging in Nigeria?
Starting a blog in Nigeria can cost between N15,000 and N80,000. Of course, there are other costs, like the time and effort you’ll put into writing your content, to consider.
Here’s a breakdown:
Domain Name: This is the link people click to read your blog. The price can range from $7 to $15, depending on where you purchase it. Some well-known domain providers in Nigeria include:
- GoDaddy with prices around $9 – $15
- NameCheap, which typically charges between $8 – $14 (my personal favourite)
-, where a domain might cost about N1,200 and a .ng domain around N6,000.
Remember, domains also have an annual renewal fee. This is generally close to the initial purchase price.
Hosting Services: Once you’ve secured a domain, you’ll need a place to host your blog’s content. This service can cost as much as $10 per month. For example, has hosting packages that begin at N900 a month—that’s N10,800 yearly. Some providers may offer a discount if you pay annually.
Blogging Platform (e.g., WordPress): WordPress is a favoured choice for many bloggers. While the core software doesn’t have a fee, there can be additional charges for specialised themes or add-ons.
Now, here’s a round figure: choosing an international hosting service like Namecheap—which we use—might result in a yearly cost of around $60 for both domain and hosting. This is around N49,500.
If you opt for a local Nigerian provider such as, the annual expenses for domain and hosting could start at approximately N10,000.
Note: This cost breakdown only covers what you’ll spend to create your blog. It doesn’t cover how much you’ll spend on creating content or adding a custom theme to the blog. If you’re considering professional content writers or premium design elements, these will add to your overall budget.
You’ll need a virtual dollar card to pay for most of these services. Here are 9 Cheapest Virtual Dollar Cards in Nigeria That Still Work
How to Create Quality Content for Your Blog
If you want to stand out as a blogger in Nigeria, you’ll need to create high-quality content. There’s a method to this, and I’ll be showing you how.
1. Understanding Your Audience
When you have a niche, you have an audience. If you want to create content that will interest your audience, then you need to understand them.
Do a bit of research and look around the web for a bit. Find out what interests readers in your niche. What do they like to read, and what is it that they don’t like?
These are all questions that you should ask if you want to understand your audience.
2. Researching and Writing Quality Content
Now that you know what your audience wants, you need to create quality content for that purpose. Your content should be able to provide your readers with the information that they require and not waste their time.
With things like social media reels and YouTube shorts becoming rampant, you’ll discover that the average netizen has a short attention span. They can’t stand a wall of text and won’t read your content if it looks too big. So, you need to make it short and make it look shorter by giving a one-line space after a paragraph.
Before that, however, you’ll need to interest your readers in your content. There are many techniques you can use for this, and “AIDA” is one of the most popular ones.
How the AIDA model works
- A (Attention): Grab your reader’s attention with magnetic headlines and thrilling opening paragraphs.
- I (Interest): Offer content that interests your readers and connects to their problems.
- D (Desire): Make your readers crave your content and desire to read it through till the end. This means that you spice it up with humour, quips, and other interesting text.
- A (Action): Get yourself a loyal reader by leading them to leave a comment at the end.
3. Using SEO Techniques
You could create the greatest content while blogging in Nigeria, but if no one sees it, your content is useless. The best method to get your content to the right audience is when they search the web. As such, you need to optimise your content so that it’s easily found by search engines like Google.
The methods to accomplish this are referred to as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques. There are many SEO techniques out there, but some of the basic ones include:
Basic SEO techniques
- Creating a headline containing keywords related to your content.
- Leave keywords in your content. Don’t overdo this, though, as Google will see it as keyword spamming and rank your content low. The sweet spot is 10 keywords per 1000 words and no more than that.
- Write a meta title for your content. The meta title is that blue-coloured text that you see on Google’s search results, and it’s different from your blog post title. A meta title should not be more than 80 characters (not words).
- Write a meta description for your content. The meta description is the words that you see under the meta tile, and they give a summary of your work. A meta description should not be more than 160 characters and contain some of your keywords.
4. Incorporating Visuals and Multimedia
Do you know what captures a reader’s attention more than interesting text? Interesting images or interesting videos. So, if you want to create better content when blogging in Nigeria, try to include an image or two in your blog posts.
Images will better explain your content and keep your readers hooked. While incorporating images into your work, ensure that you don’t use copyrighted ones. In layman’s terms, images or videos that you didn’t create yourself are copyright-protected.
You could get away with using someone else’s content now, but you’ll get caught someday. When this happens, it’ll be disastrous, as the original content owner has every right to sue, and you’ll pay for damages.
So, if you create your media content yourself, how hard can it be to take a picture or record a video? If you’re shy or don’t have the means to do so, you can use copyright-free content from sites like Pexels or Unsplash.
How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

In Nigeria, it’s said that the hottest parts of hell are reserved for bloggers. Well, that’s a joke, but at one time in the past, you must have fallen for false advertising or false headlines.
These are low-quality methods that uncultured bloggers use to drive traffic to their blogs. They believe that without it, no one will be willing to read their blog post. Allow me to say that it’s untrue; they just don’t know any better.
If you don’t want to resort to such unscrupulous techniques to drive traffic to your blog, you can employ the methods below.
1. Using Social Media Platforms
One of the easiest ways to drive traffic to your blog is to promote it on social media. You can go to your Facebook handle and post the link to your content there, telling friends to check it out. You can also create a short video reel that talks about your content and post a link below everything.
There’s no defined method to go about this, so just be creative.
2. Networking with Other Bloggers
Blogs in Nigeria can also grow when blog owners network with other bloggers. This means that you can meet other more successful bloggers and ask them to link to your content on their blogs. Of course, you might have to pay them, but it’ll be worth it.
You can also ask other bloggers (in other niches) to talk to their readers about the content you provide.
3. Guest Blogging
When blogging in Nigeria, you don’t have to be the sole creator of content for your blog. You can pay a more successful blogger and ask them to leave a blog post on your blog. This will attract readers from the more successful blog to yours, and some of them can stay loyal readers.
Having a better blogger leave a post on your blog also shows that you are the real deal and can boost your legitimacy.
4. Email Marketing
When people visit your blog, you can ask them to subscribe or leave their email. This will allow you to send emails to them when you create new content, so they can come and read it. Of course, not everyone who receives an email will visit your blog, but some of them will.
How to Start Making Money from Blogging in Nigeria
A lot of bloggers should be making money from blogging, but they are not because they don’t know how. They believe that bloggers only make money from creating blog posts, and that’s wrong. Below, we’ll show you how to monetize your blog so that it pays you.
1. Displaying Ads
The easiest method of getting money from the traffic on your blog is through Google Adsense. Google Adsense is an advertising programme that pays you to host advertisements from other companies on your website. The more traffic you get and the more people view your content, the more you earn.
2. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is another marketing tactic where bloggers earn money by promoting the services or products of another entity. As a blogger, you can get a referral link from the website for which you want to promote their content. When your readers follow this link and purchase the services and products of the business, you’ll receive a cut.
How to Start Affiliate Marketing in Nigeria in 8 Easy Steps
3. Selling Products or Services
You can also sell goods like clothes, shoes, watches, video games, and other merchandise while blogging in Nigeria. Apart from physical products, you also earn from selling software, educational packages, videos, songs, etc.
Keep in mind that the products you’re selling don’t have to be yours. They can be owned by other entities, and you’ll retail them on their behalf. When you sell these products, you’ll get your cut.
100 + 8 Hot Selling Products in Nigeria
4. Sponsored Posts
If you’ve grown your blog to attract many readers, you could attract the attention of some companies. These companies may want to expand their client base, and they’ll pay you to promote their products for them. Sponsored posts are popular among influencers on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
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What Is a Blog?
A blog is simply a web page or website that you update regularly. It’s usually run by one person or a group, and its content is mostly written in a conversational or informal style.
Unlike other online sources of information, a blog presents its information in reverse chronological order. This means that the newest pieces of information come first, while the older ones are shown later.
Different Types of Blogs
The next thing that you need to understand about how to start blogging in Nigeria is that there are different types of blogs.
Most Nigerians rush into blogging without understanding this simple fact, and as such, they’ve made no impact.
You need to understand that each blog type is suitable for a particular niche. As a newbie (I assume you’re one), you might not know what each type of blog entails.
As such, we’ll be showing you the different types of blogs, so you’ll be able to make your choice when the time comes.
Personal Blog
This is the classic blog; it’s what comes to mind when you think of a blog. That is, a website where you enter details of your life and your daily activities and document other things that interest you.
When blogs became a thing in cyberspace, personal blogs were what defined the blogging industry. Things are different now, as other types of blogs have emerged and personal blogs are now seen as online journals.
So, most personal blogs are not all about making money or reaching some target audience. Rather, they’re just about making a blog post and letting your heart out on the internet. Some well-known personal blogs include
- Jamer Clear
- Minimalist Baker
- Zen Habits
- Mr. Money Mustache
- Cookie and Kate
- David Lebovitz.
Business Blog
Over time, many companies came to understand the power of blogging and decided to leverage it for their purposes. Thus, the business blog was born—a blog that allowed businesses to communicate better with their clients. It also helped them build online communities for their corporation and attract new clients.
These days, many companies use their blogs for the same purpose as their social media handles. They use their blogs to announce product launches, contests, research breakthroughs, and other important information. Blogging works wonders for site conversion and site traffic, allowing businesses to successfully turn visitors into customers.
Some companies have created an online community where they interact with their customers. With blogging, they can express their views on various occurrences in society, like the Ukraine war, human rights, and more. This makes the company more human in the eyes of its customers and also attracts customers with similar views.
Some of the popular business blogs you’ll find on the web include
- TechCrunch
- Mashable
- Gizmodo
- NaijaTechGuide
Professional Blog
This is a blog that combines the properties of a personal and business blog, allowing the owner to earn money from blogging. Owners of professional blogs treat their website as a professional brand, which they develop in many ways. They’ve got a business strategy, a niche, and an editorial schedule for their content, and they’re looking to create partnerships with brands.
When you own a professional blog, you’ll always produce content that the audience in your chosen niche desires. With time, successful professional bloggers become more popular in a particular community and become influencers. As an influencer, that blogger has become a recognised authority in that niche, and many readers read his content for advice.
Apart from influencers, professional blog owners can also be freelancers who want to display their knowledge in a niche. The blog’s content will form an online portfolio that they can show clients to demonstrate their capabilities. Some popular professional blogs are
- Ms. Career Girl
- HowStuffWorks
- Seth Godin
- Endgadget
- Penelope Trunk
Blog Newsletter
Apart from the newspaper, news channels on TV, and social media, blogs and newsletters are another medium to stay up-to-date. This blog updates its readers on the recent happenings in a specific area of interest. It can be on a daily or weekly basis, although weekly newsletters are more common.
Most blog newsletters require their readers to subscribe (usually for free) to the site to be updated on the latest content. This way, when the site creates content, it’ll be sent to the readers as an email newsletter.
The readers can read the content via their email or head back to the blog to read it there. On the blog, the readers will also find past newsletters, which they can read at will.
Travel Blog
This is another blog that has risen in popularity as people appreciate ways to get the most out of their limited vacation time. A travel blog provides all the information that prospective travellers will need before they go on a journey.
Since most travel blogs are written from personal experience, the blogger must have experienced it. Hence, the life of a travel blogger is like a dream, as you get to travel around and see new places.
It’s not all fun and games, though, as the travel blog business can be demanding in its own right. Travel bloggers do not settle easily in one location, as they have to move from time to time to continue their blogs.
There’s also lots of research to be done when composing the content of a blog post. This includes getting familiar with a new destination’s culture, checking out the hospitality establishments with the best prices, and more. Most travel bloggers are on a schedule, so they might not have time to relax before they’re headed to their next destination.
Multimedia Blogs
This is a blog that owes its popularity to the increasing preference for visual content that the current generation has. Multimedia blogs take a page from visual sites like YouTube and Instagram to provide more pictures and videos than words. This site can also incorporate podcasts, vlogs, and other visual storytelling formats.
So, when you visit a multimedia blog, you won’t see a wall of text. Rather, there will be videos of the writer speaking about what they wish to communicate.
Fashion Blog
Do you care about fashion and desire to share your knowledge with everyone on the web? Then the fashion blog is the perfect place for that. This blog can be managed by a group of people or by one person, as long as they are passionate about this niche.
The fashion niche is one of the most popular niches in the world, so there’s lots of money to be made here. After all, who doesn’t want to look good for the camera in today’s social media-driven world?
However, this information isn’t exactly hidden from anyone who’s blogging in Nigeria or anywhere in the world. So, there’s a lot of stiff competition in this niche. Be prepared to create some unique content if you want to stand out in this niche.
Fashion blogs are also the best affiliate marketing blogs, as many people desire their products.
Food Blogs
Food is a basic necessity of life and one of life’s greatest pleasures, so it’s no surprise that food blogs are popular. No one wants to eat the same types of food for the rest of their lives; everyone appreciates some diversity. With the recent awareness of eating healthy, most people watch what they eat and are looking for ways to eat healthier.
All these reasons and more have contributed to the growth of food blogs around the globe, even in Nigeria. So, if you love cooking and are wondering how to start blogging in Nigeria, you should consider writing a food blog. The pay is very generous too, as food bloggers make almost four times as much as most niches.
Lifestyle Blogs
This is a blog that covers a wide area of content, including nutrition, productivity, workouts, wellness, and more. You can say that lifestyle blogs are websites that provide information about how to get healthier and live a better life.
Lifestyle blogs are one of the most popular out there, with earning power second only to food and personal finance blogs. That’s because everyone is interested in living longer and staying healthy while doing so, and lifestyle blogs provide useful advice in this area.
Affiliate or Review Blogs
This is another type of blog that’s growing with the shift from offline to online purchases. Unlike the classic offline purchases of the past, purchasing products online means that you don’t see what you’re buying. The only thing you can depend on are the seller’s images and descriptions, which can be misleading or outright false.
This would have made online shopping a nightmare until review blogs came to the rescue. Review blogs purchase a product and provide a comprehensive review of it. This includes its pros and cons, its general description, a few high-quality photos, and a few videos (if possible).
Most of these blogs choose a niche, like household appliances, laptops, or upholstery, and focus on that. With the experience gained from reviewing many products, review bloggers can offer useful recommendations to their readers.
These bloggers also offer affiliate links that their readers can use to purchase these recommendations. This allows the blog to earn money as an affiliate partner for the brands that it is partnered with.
Sometimes, companies will approach some of these bloggers with a huge following and pay them to review their products. However, such treatment is only given to established leaders in a niche, and it can take years to get to that point.
News Blog
This is a blog that keeps you updated on the latest happenings within a particular industry. It’s similar to the blog newsletter in this way, as they also focus on a particular niche.
Unlike blog newsletters, however, news blogs do not share their information in a personal format. Rather, they adopt an impersonal tone that shows that the platform doesn’t take sides in its news reports.
With this format, you can say that a news blog focuses on informing its readers about the latest happenings, not entertaining them. New blogs are also available to the public and are not sent to any specific groups of people.
What Does a Blogger Do?
We’ve covered what blogging is all about and even explored some of the types of blogging out there. Now, we’ll talk about another important concept: “Who is a Blogger, and what does a blogger do?”
A blogger is someone who creates content on a blog, and this is who you’ll be when you start blogging in Nigeria. Bloggers create content on a blog regularly, with the content being based on the blog type. They are individuals who are saddled with the important responsibility of disseminating information.
Bloggers have become more important with the increased popularity of social media. With their online presence, they can influence public opinion, promote new ideas, and challenge old ones.
Responsibilities of a Blogger
The chosen niche of a blogger typically influences their work. Nevertheless, there are some duties that all bloggers share in common, and you’ll start doing the same when you start a blog.
Content Creation
This is the most important responsibility of a blogger in Nigeria or anywhere in the world: creating content. A blogger’s content has to be of high quality, contain useful information, and answer the information needs of their target audience. Creating content requires lots of creativity, research, and the ability to string sentences together in a way that interests readers.
Blog Management
You could create quality content, but that content will be useless if no one sees it. So, a blogger has to ensure that their blog is properly optimised for search engines, making it easy to find on the web. They’ll also need to update the blog with fresh information to keep it relevant to their readers.
Audience Engagement
This is another important factor you need to come to terms with when you start blogging in Nigeria. Apart from creating good content and making it visible on the web, you also need to talk to your readers. A healthy relationship between a blog owner and their readers will lead to natural loyalty from the reader.
Managing your audience as a blogger is easy; you just need to respond to user comments made on a blog post. You also need to keep providing useful information to your readers and encourage them to speak their minds regarding a blog post.
Analytics and Performance Tracking
There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes analysis that takes place for any successful franchise. Blogs are no different, as you’ll need to analyse the traffic on your blog.
All this information is needed for proper management of the blog, as it’ll show you the areas that need improvement. It’ll also give you ideas on how to properly structure your content to get high conversion rates.
Marketing and Promotion
As a blogger, you’ll need to do a lot of marketing to attract new readers to your blog, especially if it’s not a free blog. This includes search engine optimisation, email marketing, paid advertising, etc. Some bloggers have also collaborated with others in their industry to promote their content.
Compliance with Legal Responsibilities
Although a blogger in Nigeria enjoys a lot of freedom, they still need to comply with a few rules. This includes copyright laws, where bloggers are expected to create unique content and avoid plagiarism. Other legal hurdles include complying with data privacy regulations.
There’s a wide network of bloggers out there, and when you start blogging in Nigeria, it’s your job to connect with them. This will allow you to find people who can promote your content and seniors from whom you can gain useful insight.
Challenges of Blogging in Nigeria
Although blogging in Nigeria is very profitable, there are a few hindrances that you should be prepared for, and they’re shown below:
1. Internet Connectivity Issues
You might think that your 3G or 4G internet is fast since it allows you to watch movies. However, compared to the standards of the world at large, our internet connection speeds are bad. Depending on your location, you might find it difficult to average 25 Mbps, which is the lowest acceptable internet connection speed.
To combat this, I’ll advise that you invest in a modem or other data-focused internet service providers like Swift.
2. Power Supply Challenges
Another blogging challenge is power, just like you guessed. Inconsistent power supply has been an issue that plagues us Nigerians until today. So, if you want to become a successful blogger, you need to work around this.
You can get a laptop, which would allow you to work for a few hours in the absence of power. You can also get a generator, an inverter, or invest in solar panels.
3. Payment System Challenges
As a blogger in Nigeria, you’ll come to notice that you’ve got a limited number of methods to get paid. Due to the bad reputation, Nigerians have online and the poor financial situation of the country, popular payment methods are unavailable to us. So, you won’t be able to use PayPal and other popular online payment methods.
You’ll be left with debit and credit cards, along with online banking methods and digital wallets. This can create an issue when you want to monetize your blog and the overseas affiliate can only pay you through PayPal.
How to Become a Blogger in Nigeria – Final Thoughts

The question you may be asking yourself now is, “Is blogging in Nigeria worth it?” To answer your question, absolutely, being a blogger in Nigeria is really worth it. For a country that is just getting introduced to the web, there’s a lot of untapped potential in blogging.
Unlike other well-developed countries, where many individuals and companies have already dominated well-known niches, Nigeria is still raw. The blogging industry still has a lot of niches where there’s no known authority, and they’re all ripe for the taking.
So, skill up, build a brand that you love, and establish yourself as an authority in that niche by writing good content. Contrary to what most Nigerian bloggers do nowadays, you don’t need to mislead readers with clickbait to earn well. This guide has all you need to succeed as a newbie or established blogger and successfully monetize your blog.
Blogging in Nigeria FAQs
Can I Host My Blog Myself?
Yes, you can, as using a hosting company isn’t compulsory. You just need to create your server, and you’ll be responsible for keeping your website on the internet 24/7. This isn’t easy, obviously, and that’s why most people choose a web hosting company to handle it for them.
Can I Start a Blog without Any Money?
Yes, you can start blogging in Nigeria without any money, as long as you have an internet connection. The area where you’d normally need money for a blog is when you want to host it. You can host the site yourself using self-hosted blogging platforms like WordPress.
Which Blog Niche Is the Most Profitable in Nigeria?
The most profitable niche is personal finance or business ideas. With people getting laid off here and there and the cost of living increasing, everyone is open to extra sources of income. If you can offer legit methods of earning income, your blog will bring you lots of money.